Interested in learning about crypto? Great!! First step is to take the initiative to READ the content provided. We leave specific content for you to review on our Instagram page as well as crypto news. Observation skills are dependent on several other abilities and attributes, such as:

- Communication

- Emotional intelligence

- Critical thinking

- Attention to detail    


It all begins with an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. By doing intensive study through research and trial & error, we’ve begun to visualize exactly what path the world could be taking with this technology at play.

The point of the mentorship plans are not to change your opinion about crypto but to understand and invest in real utility coins that will be mass adopted within these next couple of years.

It is also to help visualize crypto from a different angle, an angle that most people aren’t aware of because of the lack of knowledge and disinformation that is purposely set in place to keep the audience distracted.

It is never too late to invest, but you must tackle the crypto space with urgency because the coins that we will be listing may not be at these relatively cheap prices for next upcoming years. The digital revolution and the transition of wealth is currently here whether you are for it or against it. Now it is all about what YOU will do with this information.

What Can You Expect?


Rational Thinking

Investing based on reason rather than emotion.

Being Open-Minded

Welcoming new ideas, arguments, and information based on our own experiences.

Red Pill Content

Our team provides in-depth analysis to help you understand what’s going on in an efficient manner.


Crypto Gems

You will be able to get first hand info about the most under the radar crypto gems.


Expect authentic research information for you to consider in the market. World economic news and crypto macro data are vital when it comes to the crypto market.

Crypto Guides

In-person OR virtual presentations will require your full attention as well as note-taking if needed. (highly recommended)