
 Welcome to Operation31

Exclusive content for serious investors


Hi there!! My code name is Operator31. I am responsible for providing loads of necessary information within the crypto space and passing it down to those who are interested. If you are interested in learning…… Great!! First step is to take the initiative to READ the content provided. We leave specific content for you to review on our Instagram page as well as crypto news. Observation skills are dependent on several other abilities and attributes, such as:

  • Communication

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Critical thinking

  • Attention to detail


It all begins with an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. By doing intensive study through research and trial & error, we’ve begun to visualize exactly what path the world could be taking with this technology at play.

The point of the mentorship plans are not to change your opinion about crypto but to understand and invest in real utility coins that will be mass adopted within these next couple of years.

It is also to help visualize crypto from a different angle, an angle that most people aren’t aware of because of the lack of knowledge and disinformation that is purposely set in place to keep the audience distracted.

It is never too late to invest, but you must tackle the crypto space with urgency because the coins that we will be listing may not be at these relatively cheap prices for next upcoming years. The digital revolution and the transition of wealth is currently here whether you are for it or against it. Now it is all about what YOU will do with this information.


Our vision is to create individuals who are able to make their own decisions in the crypto space using rational thought. Having confidence in your abilities as an investor is a vital quality to have when investing in the crypto markets and this is a key factor in what differentiates the successful investors from the unsuccessful investors. It is therefore our goal to show you, through proven strategies and methods, how to invest in the crypto markets successfully through the combination of knowledge, psychology and practice. Our team will be here to provide you with the tools and knowledge as well as the right support to succeed throughout your crypto journey. We also explore different undervalued crypto projects that will be implemented within society and for governments.



Crypto Security Plan


Theory Plan



Introduction Plan



Full Set-Up



Markets We Target

Financial Institutions

Crypto projects that aim to link traditional banking with blockchain technologies.

Sustainability And Carbon Management

Crypto projects that focus on decarbonization.

Supply Chain Management

Crypto projects that solve supply chain disruptions.

Trendy Pop Culture Assets ( Special)

Projects that bring pop culture and entertainment to the crypto world.